Friday, April 17, 2009

One week old today.........

I think I see a red head in my future.

I have a moment to update the blog while little Sierra is napping before her first doctors visit today.
Sierra is doing great. She seems to like being home from the hospital just as much as her mom and dad. We are adjusting day by day and learning something new every moment. So far we have has little sleep in the evening, but Sierra likes to take very long naps in the day time.
John has adapted to father hood like a pro. I cant thank him enough for what a wonderful dad and husband he is. I have adjusted to motherhood pretty good. I am still learning about the whole breast feeding thing and learning what each cry means. Other then that, things are trucking along.
We are really looking forward to the doctors appointment today, to make sure she is growing, and get are 50 questions answered.
Here are a few new photos of little Sierra.
I hope everyone is doing well.

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