Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The time is flying bye........

Everyone says that the time goes by fast when you have a little one, and boy are they right. Sierra is going to be 10 weeks on Friday. She is getting so big and so full of life. She now coos and smiles and her newest thing is the pirate grrrrrr. I will grrrrrr and her and she grrrrrr"s right back at me. I think she is holding a conversation with me, but in her own way.

We went to the doctors last week and she is now 11lbs 7oz. She is above 50% in both height and weight.

We have had a busy week. On Monday we went down to my friend Jenny and Peter's to meet their little boy Hunter. Hunter is 6 weeks younger then Sierra, but you can already tell the two of them are going to be good buds.

I also had some fun playing around with the camera, so some of these pictures are just for fun. Yes, you will notice a bow in her hair ( I could not resist) she did not seem to mind it.

This also was the first week that Sierra got to go to work with me. I went back this week to help out, and Sierra was such a good girl for me, a slight distraction to the clients, but in a good way.

1 comment:

Kerry said...

adorable! She is so cute! So glad things are going well with ya'll...I love the bow!