Wednesday, April 22, 2009

11 days old and growing like a tree.........

Hello everyone from the Whiteside home front. Things here are going great. Everyday is a new day and we are getting to know Sierra better and better. She seems to be growing fast, but it could be from all the food we feed her. She seems to have a few fussy times during the day which we have not conquered why, so we seem to feed her more often then not.

We have gone on a few walks, and adventured out to lunch this week.

Here are a few photos of Sierra on a walk, with her Grandpa and a few of her just growing.

Stay tuned for photos of Sierra in her first 5k race, which we are doing this weekend.

1 comment:

Kerry said...

only you would do a 5k two weeks post partum!You look fabulous! She is beautiful Heather. Seeing pics of her makes me miss the newborn stage...such a sweet and special goes by so fast, so love it, sleep deprivation and all!