Thursday, July 24, 2008

More Photos...

Mammoth... No snow, but plenty of Dirt.

After the downieville race, we felt bad for our bikes, so we took them to Mammoth for some fun downhill. Instead of climbing up the hill, we took a gondola up and let the loose downhill. A whole different adventure for our endurance, but every once in awhile you need to just go downhill. I would strongly suggest Mammoth in the summer. We stayed in a wonderful village meet great people and enjoyed the weather without parkas. Here our a few photos of Mammoth and of course more Mt. Biking.

The Whiteside"s are back!!!!

WOW... The hardest thing I have ever done in my life. The Downieville classic is a 29 mile cross country mountain bike race that features an eight mile climb straight up hill followed by 21 miles of downhill, some more uphill, boulders, drops, more drops, narrow trails (with cliffs on the side), bridge crossings, water crossings and a few helicopters to pick up those riders who adventured off the side of the cliffs.

This is the first adventure that John and I completed on our two week road trip. The best part about this race is that John took 3rd place and I survived. Here are a few photos from the race and the beautiful town of Downieville, population 100. The rest of the photos are from the rest of our adventure.