Monday, July 13, 2009


Happy 60th birthday to the best dad in the whole world.
We love you.

A week of Milestones.....

As most of you know, Sierra has been sleeping in her own room since she was 1 week old, but not in her crib. I felt the crib was so big for such a little person, so I put her bassinet in the crib and that is where she has been sleeping.

For the past 2 weeks I have been wanting to put her in the crib with out the bassinet, because she is now long enough that she hits the top, so I finally did it. Two nights ago, Sierra slept in her big girl crib all by herself. I was so proud of her, and proud of myself for letting go.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A day at Mission Beach

Last week Sierra and I spent the day with our Friends Jenny, Peter and their 6 week old Hunter.

We had a great time watching the Little ones play and sleep, and sleep and sleep.

It was a gorgeous day at the bay, and even though we were under a tree the whole time, Sierra managed to get her first sunburn. I felt awful. The next day she woke up to blisters on her cheek and a swollen eye. I think it bothered my much more then it bothered her.

The most important thing is we had a great time, and we cant wait to do it again, with sunscreen and a big hat.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A busy few days...

We have had a few busy days. We were invited to Abby's 1st birthday party, which was a blast, as well as it was Sierra's first birthday party she was invited to. You will notice above that she did not get to play in the pool, but she put her feet.

On Sunday we went to Aunt Clocky's to participate in a 4th of July celebration. There were a lot of activities going on, so Sierra and I suited up in the byjorn and joined the rest of the kids for the festivities.

We also tried out our hiking backpack, which I think she is still a little to small for.