Saturday, June 6, 2009

Blessed with great Nana's

We are so blessed that Sierra has wonderful grandparents. We could not ask for her to be more loved. My mom has been wonderful to us. She is Sierra's nanny/Nana while I am back working part time, and the have a blast as you can see in the picture above. We can't thank her enough for watching our little peanut.

Johns mom and PopPop coach came down from Santa Rosa to meet their granddaughter and we had a wonderful visit with them. Sierra was full of Nana love that day.

She also had spent time with CoCo and her auntie Clocky the other evening while I worked and John ran some errands. You would never be able to tell that Sierra is so loved and well looked after.

On Monday we have our 2 month doctors appointment which I am truly dreading. This is the day that Sierra gets her first set of shots. I don't know if it will hurt her or me more. I hope it goes smoothly and that she takes those shoots like a champ.

Everything else is going great. Knock on wood, but Sierra slept 8 hours two nights in a row. She is full of smiles and really getting a little personality. We love her more and more everyday and look forward to all that life brings us.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

So fun Heather! Good job keeping up on your blogging! It was so great to meet Sierra, and I'm thrilled to hear about her 8 hour nights of sleep! Hope that continues! Love you,