Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December already

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We shared the holiday with our family in Palm Springs. This was Sierras first Thanksgiving and first time the family time share. It was a much needed couple days for John and I, since the last month has been a little crazy.

Johns dad passed away on November 8th after battling cancer. We have been up and down with emotions, but truly believe Bill is in a better place.
Sierra is growing and growing. She will be 8 months on the 10th and is almost walking. She tricks us with standing and balancing on her own, but then decides to plop on her buns.

She has her two front teeth and babbles up a storm. Her first word was DaDa, not that anyone is counting. Everyday gets better and better, and I am really looking forward to Sierra's first Christmas and all the festivities that come along with this joyous holiday.

I hope you all are doing well and finish out 2009 with mush love and happiness.

1 comment:

Z said...

I'm very sorry to hear about John's dad. Wishing you all peace at this time.