Thursday, April 30, 2009

One day shy of 3 weeks.......

Sorry for the delay in updating, but we have had a rough few days (I think all new parents would say the same thing). We are still getting to know Sierra day by day, and trying to figure out this parenting thing.

So far things are good. We have a few challenging times but are hoping with ever day passing will will get better and better with parenting.

Here are a few photos of her first bath.


Kerry said...

It will get better! This stage of the game(interrupted sleep) is physically hard on your body which then takes a toll on you emotionally.She is a cutie and I can see a lot of John in her already.

Cindy said...

Heather, She is so beautiful! Loved the announcement picture you sent, it's on my fridge! Yes, parenting can be challenging, different challenges for different stages. The newborn,sleep deprivation stage is so hard. I love my sleep, so I was a zomby! It may not seem like it now, but it will go by so fast, so cherish it all! Even if you are half asleep! I will pray for you that God will give you grace and strength to make it through this tiring, but fun stage! Love you, Cindy