Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sorry for taking so long to post the belly.

Well as the time draws near, taking photos is not really a priority for me. I am really excited, but taking pictures of myself getting bigger, seems a little backwards. Here is a photo of me at 38 weeks. The other photos are of my dad and Brady at 19 months, as well as Cory and Brady. I will post pictures of the nursery tomorrow. My cousin Corey has made the babies curtains, which she is hanging tomorrow. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Girl, you gotta be proud of the belly! You've worked hard for it, and really you look amazing for a "due any day" mamma! Can't believe Brandy is carrying on the trend of girls! Very fun for you all to have your girls close together! Well, you just cherish this last few days/weeks till your peanut arrives, it's such an exciting time of life! Remember, I guessed 4 days after due date! Lookin' forward to pics of the nursery!